FleetOne - Satellite service for any vehicle at sea
- Simultaneously use voice with data transmission at speeds up to 100 kbps
- Communication form: Voice, email, SMS, chat
- Voice service with global coverage, no roaming fees*
- In particular, onshore customers may text FleetOne devices for free from the SatSMS app
- Connection to smart devices via wifi
- Save more costs when using a Skyfile mail account to compress mail when sending e-fax with compression up to 90% (for word files)
- Reasonable charges, flexible packages, including: Global package and Coastal package
- Compact and lightweight devices, easy to install and set up
Global coverage
Coastal coverage
Service price list
Name of charge packages
subscription charge
free capacity
Commitment for use
3,188,000 VND/month
10 MB/month *
12 months
1,420,000 VND/month
- Charges do not include VAT.
- Global package: applicable to all means and unlimited to users with global coverage except the two polar regions.
- Coastal package: exclusively for ships operating in coastal areas (only applicable to ships with a total tonnage of less than 500 GRT).